Gravity Body Structural Academy Anatomy Series Part 3
Gravity Body Academy Structural Integration School
1h 41m
Full multimedia deep dive into the muscles of the body. Full color plates from the Anatomy Coloring book are used in conjunction with the 3D CGI models to get a profound guided tour.
Up Next in Gravity Body Academy Structural Integration School
Gerald Clark Demonstrates Session 1
Multiple camera angles are used along with compositing and effects to create a memorable 1st session instructional video. This video has a supplement to show Christa as the structural integrator providing the work to Gerald for a different feminine perspective.
Ross Bugden
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Christa Clark Demonstrates Session 1
Christa Clark switches roles from client to practitioner demonstrating the 1st Session. The perspective was changed form one of instruction to more of a presentation of the 1st session recipe. No one is more capable doing recipe videos than the Artistic Vegan herself.
Featuring Music by Ross B...
Gerald Clark Demonstrates Session 2
Gerald performs the second session dealing with the lower leg
Ross Bugden
♩♫ Inspirational Piano Music ♪♬ - Elevance (Copyright and Royalty Free) - Ross Bugden.